IBM Workload Automation is the state-of-the-art production workload manager, designed to help you meet your present and future data processing challenges. Its scope encompasses your entire enterprise information system, including heterogeneous environments.
Pressures on today’s data processing (DP) environment are making it increasingly difficult to maintain the same level of service to customers. Many installations find that their batch window is shrinking. More critical jobs must be finished before the morning online work begins. Conversely, requirements for the integrated availability of online services during the traditional batch window put pressure on the resources available for processing the production workload. Increasing by 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is not only a DP objective but a requirement.
Users and owners of DP services are also making more use of batch services than ever before. The batch workload tends to increase each year at a rate slightly below the increase in the online workload. Combine this with the increase in data use by batch jobs, and the end result is a significant increase in the volume of work.
Furthermore, there is a shortage of people with the required skills to operate and manage increasingly complex DP environments. The complex interrelationships between production activities, between manual and machine tasks, have become unmanageable without a workload management tool.IBM Workload Automation simplifies systems management across heterogeneous environments by integrating systems management functions. There are three main components to the portfolio:
IBM® Z Workload Scheduler
The scheduler in z/OS® environments.
IBM Workload Scheduler
The scheduler in distributed environments
Dynamic Workload Console
A Web-based, graphical user interface for both IBM Z Workload Scheduler and IBM Workload Scheduler.